
I hereby confirm that the following dissertations that form part of the requirements for the M Com (Human Resources Management) degree were completed on the Potential Index Batteries at the University of Pretoria:

Kruger J.R. (1999). Die geldigheid van die Potensiaalindeksbattery vir die voorspelling van werkprestasie by administratiewe personeel (The validity of the Potential Index Battery in predicting work performance of administrative personnel).
Grobler S (2000). Die geldigheid van die Potensiaalindeksbattery vir die voorspelling van kollegeprestasie by toetreekonstabels in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (The validity of the  Potential Index Battery in predicting college performance of entry level police constables in the South African Police Services)
Van der Walt L.M. (1997). Die voorspellingsgeldigheid van sielkundige maatstawwe in.'n finansi�le instelling (The predictive validity of psychological measures in a financial institution) 
Pretorius M. (2000). The validity of the Potential Index Battery in predicting academic performance at the Technikon Pretoria

The dissertations were completed under my leadership and the research findings indicate that the Potential Index Battery has significant predictive validity in the contexts that the studies were performed.

Yours truly Dr P Schaap (Head of Psychometrics)